Winter’s here and you’re probably wondering what to do with your e-bike. It’s been your trusty companion through the year, or perhaps you’ve just got one for the holidays. Whatever the case, you want to make sure your electric bike is ready to hit the road as soon as the weather permits. Read on to learn how to care for your e-bike properly through the winter .
Pre-Storage Care
There are a few things you need to do before you put away your bike for the winter.
1. Decide where to store your bike:While e-bikes are fine outside in the cold or wet weather for a few hours or overnight, long-term exposure to the wet and cold can damage them heavily. Find a clean, dry spot that’s easily accessible (more on that later!) to store your bike over winter. If you’re going to leave it in an unheated spot like a garden shed, you’ll need to store the battery separately.
2. Battery storage:Wherever you eventually decide to store your bike, it’s important that you store your battery indoors in a warm, dry place where it won’t get too hot or too cold. If you’re going to be leaving your e-bike in a cold shed over winter, remove your battery and store it separately. Make sure the battery is charged somewhere between 50% to 80% before you store it. Do not charge it fully.
If your battery is cold, wait till it slowly warms up before you charge it. Do not put it near a heater to warm it up quickly.
3. Clean your bike:Although bikes are made from rust resistant materials, prolonged exposure to salts can result in corrosion. Give your bike a good wipe down before putting it away. Use a clean damp cloth to remove any salts or mud it may have accumulated while out on the road. If there’s a lot to get rid of, don’t hesitate to use some water and soap.
During Storage
Your e-bike should be fine, albeit a little lonely, while it’s put away for the winter. However, a little bit of care while its stored will make sure it’s ready to use as soon as you want to.
1. Recharge batteriesBatteries discharge slowly over time even when not in use. Check your battery levels every couple of months and recharge them back up to 80% when they start getting below 30%. Remember to make sure the batteries aren’t cold when you start charging them.
2. Visit your bike in storageCheck up on your bike while it’s in storage. Check the chain and spokes for any rust or damage due to wet conditions or just to make sure that you had gotten rid of all salts and mud when you cleaned it the first time around.
Winter Riding
You can actually take your e-bike out in the snow. However, you need to get winter tires for better traction and be extra careful while riding in icy conditions. It’s also recommended that you apply a rust-proof glaze and clean your chain and spokes regularly.
Recharge your battery every 3 months to 80% as needed
Do you have more questions about storing your ebike over the winter? Contact us at Green Light Cycles and we can answer any questions you may have.